Eye Shape Correction - Incision Eye Shape Correction

Eye Surgery CenterEye Shape CorrectionIncision Eye Shape Correction
Incision Eye Shape Correction operation time - 1hour / Anesthesia - sedation / Stitch Removal - 5~7 days After Surgery / Hospitalization - No needed / Visit - 1~2 times / Daily Life - After 7 days

What is Blepharoptosis?

Due to innate or acquired reason, some eyes have weak muscles to lift the eyelids. This causes the eyes to look dull and sleepy as some part of eyeballs is not exposed. Such symptom is called Blepharoptosis.

What are symptoms of Blepharoplasty?

The eyes look sleepy and continue to use forehead wrinkles could be formed earlier in age as they get to use forehead muscles instead. This also tires the eyes fairly quickly resulting in inconvenience.

What is Eye Shape Correction (Blepharoptosis)?

Pull or shorten the Levator muscle, which is used to open the eyes, and Muller muscle to raise the vertical width of the eyes and to increase the exposure of the iris. This changes the sleepy looking eyes to well defined eyes.

What is Incision Eye Shape Correction?

Usually done along with incision double eyelids surgery, which is to pull and fix or shorten the levator muscle that is used to open the eyes for well defined eyes. This surgery is mainly done for mild cases, moderate cases or mild ptosis cases.

Surgery Method

Incision Eye Shape Correction Surgery Method
  • Local anesthesia after light sedation
  • Incision is done as designed
  • Pull the levator muscle and fix or excise the muscle and fix it to the eyelid plaste
  • Completion

Before & After Pictures

Before & After Pictures Before & After Pictures Before & After Pictures Before & After Pictures Before & After Pictures Before & After Pictures

워너비성형외과의 특별함

  • 전문의료진
  • 숙련된 임상경험
  • 환자우선 시스템
  • 수술 후 관리시스템
  • 첨단장비 보유
서울대학교와 삼성서울병원 출신의 최고 수준의 의료진 구준한 연구와 숙련된 임상경험 안전한 마취 및 소독관리 시스템 통증없는 편안한 수술과 안락한 회복 시스템 첨단 3차원 진단 시스템 3D CT, VECTRA X3


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