Zygoma Surgery - Volume Zygoma

Face Contouring Center Cheekbone Reduction Volume Zygoma
Volume Zygoma operation time - 1hour / Anesthesia - sedation / Stitch Removal - 7th day, 14th day After Surgery / Hospitalization - No needed / Visit - 2times / Dailt Life - After 7 days

What is Volume Zygoma Surgery?

This surgery is to emphasize a three dimensional effect on the cheeks for those who seem to have a flat and volumeless face, those look old and tired. There are basically two surgery methods, inserting implant and Autologous fat graft method.

Volume Zygoma Surgery is for

  • Those who have plane and wide face due to flat zygoma
  • Those who look older than actual age due to sunken cheek
  • Those who desire a stylish and young looking face
  • Those who have flat face due to zygoma surgery
  • Those whose mouth look protruded due to the sunken center face region or when their face look long

Surgery Method

Autologous Fat Graft Method

Collect fats from thighs or abdomen, separate the pure fats out of them with centrifugal separator, and then inject to the sunken cheek part

Implant Graft Method

Make a silicon material implant customized to each individual's characteristics and insert it to the sunken cheek through a small incision inside the mouth

Characteristics of Volume Zygoma Surgery

  • Autologous Fat Graft Method: Safe surgery without any irritation and form a natural volume
  • Implant Graft Method: Form a definite volume with a permanent effect

Before & After Pictures

Before & After

워너비성형외과의 특별함

  • 전문의료진
  • 숙련된 임상경험
  • 환자우선 시스템
  • 수술 후 관리시스템
  • 첨단장비 보유
서울대학교와 삼성서울병원 출신의 최고 수준의 의료진 구준한 연구와 숙련된 임상경험 안전한 마취 및 소독관리 시스템 통증없는 편안한 수술과 안락한 회복 시스템 첨단 3차원 진단 시스템 3D CT, VECTRA X3


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Facial Contouring Center 진료안내

V-line Surgery
Mini V-line
Cheekbone Reduction
Nasolabial fold Surgery
Square Jaw Surgery
Chin Surgery
Face Contouring Revision Surgery
Two Jaw Surgery
Forehead Fat-transfer
Online Counseling Kakao Talk ID +82-10-7213-8855
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